Friday 21 March 2014

Some cheapest solutions for your wifi antenna accelerator

Just arrange these items which will help you to made cheap wifi accelerator antenna.

  1. A USB wifi modem,
  2. Aluminum foil,
  3. Antenna holder,
  4. USB extension cable.
Making of steps:

  • The Reflector:
First of all we have a problem to making a reflector.I have found some pre-made template on the internet, for that download the template and just fit on your cardboard.When you download the template just cut it into shape.I am using a plastic file's case you may use an cardboard also to get the cheapest solution one.that you cut a square hole in the middle of the cardboard to fit an wireless usb adapter.

  • Covering with aluminum foil:

Once you get the template ready.Just go to the kitchen and Grab an aluminum foil. Atleast you may ask for permission from your mom first.Cover it with aluminum foil using an ordinary glue.
  • Antenna holder:
Use any materiel for holding your antenna.It is very easy just take a stick or some another item.I have used a wooden stick and just stick it on the back surface of the reflector.You can use a nut or some strong glue which you have to buy from market.
  • Setting:
Now just set up the wireless modem inside the center of the reflector as shown in the diagram.Than give it the correct position and direction to check up in which direction the speed get boosted than adjust that position in which you will get the maximum speed than just fix it on that direction carefully.  
And thats all your cheapest antenna is ready to use. 

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